NEW Edition of For The Record: February/March 2018

For The Record


Spring is always an exciting time for the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) as we prepare to announce a new class of inductees for the current year. I am proud to say that the Board has ratified the Inductee Selection Committee’s recommendation for our Class of 2018 and we will soon be announcing the names to the public. I have been fortunate to be part of a number of nomination cycles for the SSHF and am continually reminded of the astounding quality and breadth of elite athletes, coaches, builders and teams that fill Saskatchewan’s history. While I can’t spoil the announcement of this year’s class I’m proud to say it will once again add to the multitude of inspiring stories and achievements enshrined within the hall.

This year’s class announcement also serves as a reminder that there are still a vast array of stories that deserve to be added to the SSHF. From the incredible accomplishments of Hayley Wickenheiser and her 23 years as a member of Canada’s National Women’s hockey team, to the acclaimed career of Wendel Clark or the ongoing history being made by the incredible recovery and head spinning tricks of Mark McMorris. Regardless of the sport, Saskatchewan still has an abundance of incredible stories waiting to join the ranks of those already within the SSHF.

While there are a great deal of names the board and staff can think of who deserve to be recognized within the Hall, we rely on our supporters within the general public to formally nominate those deserving individuals and teams. The process begins by completing the nomination form found on our website. Once submitted, this document will serve as the basis for consideration into the esteemed group that makes up the 512 inductees of the SSHF. As we prepare to announce the Class of 2018 this April now is a great time to begin considering if there is a deserving person you wish to nominate for future classes of inductees ahead of this year’s October 31st deadline. If you have any questions regarding the nomination, selection or induction process please don’t hesitate to contact the staff at [email protected], they are more than happy to answer any questions.

Facebook: SaskSportsHF
Instagram: @SaskSportsHF
Twitter: @SaskSportsHF
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All the best,

Rankin Jaworski

To find out more on our latest happenings at the SSHF, download the full version of the newest For The Record, right here:

For the Record February/March 2018

Easter Holiday Hours

Easter Holiday Hours:

Friday, March 30 – Closed
Saturday, March 31 – Open 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Sunday, April 1 – Closed
Monday, April 2 – Closed

*We will return to regular business hours on Tuesday, April 3.



Become a Member Today!

Our membership campaign email went out in January, but just in case you missed it, here’s what you need to know:

Since 1966, the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) has played an instrumental role in preserving, recognizing and educating the public on the tremendous sports heritage of our province. None of this would have been possible without the support of our members every step of the way.

Because of you we are able to:
• Provide educational programs to youth throughout the province
• Offer a diverse range of exhibits on a quarterly and annual basis
• Showcase our traveling exhibit trailer at special events in Regina and beyond
• Engage and promote our inductees in activities throughout the province
• Ensure that everyone has equal access to Saskatchewan’s sport heritage

Your purchase of a membership brings the following benefits:
• Unlimited access to the SSHF and our adaptive curling ice & multi-sport simulator interactives
• Subscription to our quarterly news publication, For The Record (mailed or emailed)
• “What’s On” eBulletin providing up-to-the-minute information on SSHF activities
• Invitations to exhibit openings and other special events hosted at, or by, the SSHF
• Invitation (based on location) to the annual President’s Reception hosted in Regina and Saskatoon
• Voting privileges at the Annual General Meeting

The SSHF is proud of its achievements to date. We hope that you will continue to help us achieve our strategic goals through the purchase of an annual membership.

The 2018 donation campaign is targeted to the purchase of additional exhibit props including mannequins and torsos to better showcase and protect the collection on display. Our financial target is $5,000. All donors will be recognized on a plaque displayed in the SSHF galleries.

Please complete the online form by clicking the link below.

Join or Renew or Donate Today!

In order to maximize your support, we would appreciate memberships and donations by March 31, 2018. Thank you for your support!


Diamond Girls Goes Down Under

From performances in small towns throughout Saskatchewan, to the international stage, Diamond Girls has been a home run! As we made preparations for our 50th anniversary, one very unique opportunity presented itself when Menagerie Productions and playwright, Maureen Ulrich, proposed a one-act, one-woman play featuring the Saskatchewan connection to the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. The leading actress has the challenging task of portraying a whopping 21 characters throughout this one hour performance including three Saskatchewan players, Mary “Bonnie” Baker, Arleene (Johnson) Noga, and Daisy Junor.

After putting on its first performance in June, 2016 we are thrilled to learn that Diamond Girls will be taking on international audiences in 2018! The girls of summer will be traveling to the world’s 2nd largest fringe festival in Adelaide, South Australia in March, 2018! To learn more about Diamond Girls, and their upcoming performances, please visit

For The Record: November/December 2017

For The Record


As I reflect on the past year at the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) I would like to start by thanking everyone who joined us at the induction dinner to celebrate our 2017 class of inductees. From Olympic champions to innovative builders and a trailblazing jockey who opened the door for women around the world, this year’s class of inductees exemplifies the remarkable athletes and builders that this province is proud to call our own. With a new group of seven officially enshrined, we are thrilled to carry forward the proud tradition of celebrating Saskatchewan sports excellence.

While the resumption of our annual induction dinner was the marquee event of 2017 it was far from the only thing happening around the hall. The SSHF continued moving forward from last year’s 50th anniversary with a number of exciting events throughout the year and we look forward to keeping the momentum going in the New Year. 2018 will be a busy sporting year for Saskatchewan and the SSHF will be right in the middle of it. Our traveling exhibit is scheduled to take its first winter travels and will be a part of many of the national sporting championships happening in Regina. We have also recently announced a new collections agreement with the Regina Pats and are excited to continue that partnership in 2018.

As I look back over our accomplishments of 2017, I would be remiss to not once again congratulate our Executive Director Sheila Kelly on her receipt of the very prestigious Bill Schroeder Distinguished Service Award from the International Sports Heritage Association.  Sheila has been the sustaining constant of the SSHF for over a quarter century and her passion, dedication and leadership have had far reaching impacts across Canada and North America. Sheila is a very deserving recipient of this award and it is my pleasure to again congratulate her on this accomplishment.

On behalf of myself, and the Board of Directors I would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. We hope your 2017 was full of great memories with friends, families and teammates and wish you a safe and happy 2018.

Facebook: SaskSportsHF
Instagram: @SaskSportsHF
Twitter: @SaskSportsHF
Review us on TripAdvisor

Happy Holidays,
Rankin Jaworski

To find out more on our latest happenings at the SSHF, download the full version of the newest For The Record, right here:

For the Record November/December 2017

Employment Opportunity



The Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) is looking for Part-time Assistants

This opportunity includes the following responsibilities:

Opening & Closing procedures for the Hall of Fame exhibit galleries on weekends for regular operating hours, and on a casual basis for after hour special event bookings including, but not limited to:

  • Assisting with the delivery of SSHF guest services
  • Supervising the multi-sport simulator and adaptive curling interactives
  • Assisting with some curatorial activities based on training
  • Assisting with the delivery of SSHF programming (in house and outreach), including setup and cleanup, as required
  • Light Housekeeping

This position is perfect for individuals looking for casual and/or regular part-time employment

We are looking for team members who have:

  • Interest in, and knowledge of, Saskatchewan sport
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Strong communication skills
  • Strong inter-personal skills
  • Reached 15 years of age or older

The new members of our team will work with us at the Hall of Fame, located at 2205 Victoria Avenue, right here in Regina or at outreach locations throughout the city.

The position comes with salary of $11.50/hr. Not to mention all the great experience you will get working with one of Saskatchewan’s most interesting historic attractions.

If this sounds like you, please submit a resume, along with cover letter to:

Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame
Attn: Executive Director
2205 Victoria Avenue
Regina, SK  S4P 0S4

Resumes with covering letter may also be submitted via email to [email protected]

Applications will be accepted until by January 5, 2018

For additional information:

 Sheila Kelly, Executive Director

Remembrance Day : Lest We Forget

If you’ve been to the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame recently, you may have noticed the poppies on our walls. Each poppy is placed next to an inductee that has served their country. How many in total, you ask? 85.

Remembrance Day is a time each year when we pause to reflect and honor those who have served our country, and those who continue to on a daily basis. It is a day that reflects only a small portion of appreciation for the freedom we enjoy as a result of the sacrifice of a brave and dedicated few.

They gave up time in their lives, away from family, friends, sport and home fighting for their country with some making the ultimate sacrifice. The reasons why they chose to fight are obvious in that they believe the preservation of our freedoms is paramount and are willing to do whatever it takes to see that they remain intact.

At the SSHF we honor those who are considered heroes in the realm of sport, but at the same time we realize that this is one of the many things we are privileged to have. Without the dedication and work of these committed and courageous individuals the opportunities to enjoy these sports would potentially not exist. So it is with that in mind that we humbly offer what homage we can to the people who make life as we know it possible.

There exists a list of individuals who not only served their country in the form of our armed forces, but who also contributed to the progression of sports on an elite level. Their skill sets are among the best in history as their physical and mental talents helped raise their respected arenas to the level they are enjoying today. Without these remarkable names it would be impossible to be where we are at.

So with that in mind, here is a small token of our appreciation. A list which recognizes the people who help build both sport as well as this country. Let us take a moment to remember their contributions to both, and honor everything they have done for us.

-Lest we forget.

Abel Sid Hockey
Abbot Edward Captain Hockey
Adams Robert Athletics
Archer Sandy Football
Arn Bob Dr. Football
Audette Julien Soaring
Austman Joseph Rifle Shooting
Bailey Harry Swimming
Bath Leonard General
Bentley Max Hockey
Boesch Garth Hockey
Bower Johnny Hockey
Bricker Calvin Athletics
Charlton Ken Football
Cote Tony Multi Sport
Creswell Aurthur Austin LT Hockey
Decoteau Alex Athletics
Dojack Paul Football
Ebbels Bill Tennis
Eichel Aston Boxing
Elliot Eldon Broadcasting
Forsyth William Athletics
Foster Frank Hockey
Francis Emile Hockey
Fowler Norman “Heck” Hockey
Germann Frank Hockey
Girgulis James Harry Shooting
Glasser Anton Bowling
Glover Stanley Athletics
Grassick Gordon “Greg” Football
Greyeyes David Soccer
Griffiths Joe Athletics
Griston William “Bill” CPL Hockey
Gutheridge Stanley ‘Hub’ Basketball
Harrison Stanley Captain Equestrian
Herlen Ernest ‘Ossie’ Boxing
Hill Alfred Curling
Howes Rollin Henry “Roly” General
Hunter William ‘Bill’ Hockey
Irvin Dick Sr. Hockey
Juckes Gordon Hockey
Kartusch Mike Hockey
Kirkpatrick J.B. ‘Kirk’ Tennis
Knutson Art Curling
Landa Sam Dr. Sport Medicine
Leddy Jack Dr. Golf
Leicester John Dr. Tennis
Livingstone R.C. ‘Scotty’ Football
Lynn Victor Hockey
Maddia Jack Hockey
McCool Charles Hockey
McCulloch Frederick Hockey
McCutcheon Robert Hockey
McNab Ernie Group Captain Hockey
Melville Tom ‘Scotty’ General
Metz Don Hockey
Metz Nick Hockey
Mitchelmore Harold Athletics
Obodiac Stan Hockey
Otton Charles LT Hockey
Orban William ‘Bill’ Sport Medicine
Penfold Bert Figure Skating
Petit Claude Private Boxing
Prediger Peter Baseball
Pyle David Ironside Wrestling
Ramsay William Beatty Hockey
Rayner Chuck Hockey
Reid Robert ‘Bobby’ General
Reid Robert Dr. Golf
Ritchie Al Hockey/Football
Ross Tom Golf
Saunders Lloyd Media
Smith D’Arcy Hockey
Staniowski Ed Hockey
Stewart John ‘Jack’ General
Stinson Edgar ‘Wally’ General
Taylor Neil ‘Piffles’ Football
Thomson Earl Athletics
Van Impe Robert Softball
Ward George General
Warwick Claude Boxing
Watson Harold ‘Harry’ Hockey
Whittleton Alfred S. Hockey
Wilken H.J. “Pete” Curling
Wilson Fred Football

2017 Induction: Thank you!

Induction 2017 was a great success thanks to our sponsors, the Class of 2017, our volunteers and the many parade inductees who joined us for the celebrations. Events got underway with numerous family members, friends and media joining us Saturday afternoon at the SSHF for the Inductee Open House. This was an opportunity to grab a few autographs, check out the individual exhibits within Dedication to Sport: The 2017 Inductees of the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame, and visit with those about to enter the Hall of Fame.

Our formal induction celebrations were hosted at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina, SK as we recognized the contributions and achievements of the Class of 2017 comprising: Stuart Cram (gymnastics), Lori Ebbesen (triathlon), Terry Livingstone (speed skating), Lucas Makowsky (speed skating), Guyle Fielder (hockey), Joan Phipps (equestrian) and David “Tiger” Williams (hockey). To each of the inductees we extend a heartfelt thank you for the privilege of working with you over the past few months. We certainly look forward to having you as part of the Hall of Fame family.

Special thanks are also extended to our Master of Ceremonies, Blake Lough from Global Regina, who also had the task of moderating a hotstove panel featuring four members of our new Induction Class. This was an opportunity for everyone in attendance to get to know our new inductees a little better, and it turned out to be a highlight of the evening! Thank you as well to all of our sponsors who helped to ensure that the induction events were a great success.

Access Communications
Pro AV
Fire Cube Video
Signature Print-It
Molson Coors
Hotel Saskatchewan
Barker’s Trophies Awards & Gifts
Designer Photographic Technologies
Images on Ice
sharpshooter photography
Barb’s Badges
Conexus Arts Centre
T.G. Marketing

Finally, thank you to everyone who helped to make the 2017 Induction Weekend a success. We look forward to another fantastic year ahead.


*Event photographs coming soon!


For The Record: August/September 2017

For The Record


As I step into the role of President of the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) I thought it was only appropriate to look back at some of the distinguished leaders who have come before me over the past 50 years and give them thanks for their contributions to the SSHF. While there have been too many to list individually a special thank you goes to Linda Burnham, Scott Waters and Trent Fraser, the three Past Presidents that I have had the pleasure of working alongside while on the Board. All three of you have been instrumental in setting the Hall on its current path and providing a framework for the Hall’s continued success for its next 50 years and beyond. Thank you.

While 2016 was a landmark year with our 50th anniversary celebrations, we have strived to keep that excitement and energy going into 2017 through a number of different means. We were honoured to have been asked by the Province to have our traveling exhibit make its first out-of-province excursion and be showcased to represent Saskatchewan at the 2017 Jeux Canada Summer Games in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We are also pleased to see that Menagerie Productions is re-launching Diamond Girls in the fall.

One of the Board’s goals remains securing a long term space that will allow us to better display and preserve Saskatchewan’s rich and diverse sporting history; however, we are also excited to announce some continued changes to our current location in the coming weeks. These changes will continue to pursue the Board’s goal of making the Hall more interactive and engaging for visitors. All of these enhancements will be items we could take with us to a new space and are part of the Board’s goal of blending the permanency of a physical location with other mediums of interactions that will better allow us to tell the story of Saskatchewan sport across a broader audience.

After a pause last year to commemorate the prior 50 years’ inductees in 2017, we are excited to resume our inductions and honour a new slate of inductees. This year’s class of inductees highlights the depth and diversity of Saskatchewan’s sporting history. We invite you to take part in the celebration of these inductees with us on September 30th.

Facebook: SaskSportsHF
Instagram: @SaskSportsHF
Twitter: @SaskSportsHF
Review us on TripAdvisor

Best wishes,

Rankin Jaworski, President


To find out more on our latest happenings at the SSHF, download the full version of the newest For The Record, right here:

For the Record August/September 2017

Sheila Kelly to Receive Prestigious Schroeder Award

The International Sports Heritage Association (ISHA) has named Sheila Kelly, Executive Director of the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF), as recipient of the prestigious Schroeder Award.

Presented periodically, the W.R. “Bill” Schroeder Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor presented by ISHA and is awarded to individuals for meritorious service of lasting nature in the sports heritage industry.

“Sheila has distinguished herself as an outstanding museum leader and strives for excellence in all aspects,” ISHA President Susan Wasser said. “Her engaging leadership skills, passion, dedication, and ingenuity has transformed sports heritage within Saskatchewan. We are thrilled to be able to honor Sheila with this award and provide her this well-deserved recognition.”

Sheila has served as Executive Director for the Hall of Fame for 28 years. During her tenure, she has impacted sports heritage from the local to the international levels by developing the Hall of Fame as the leading sports heritage association in the province. Additionally, she is credited with nurturing the development of multiple satellite halls, sports museum and sports heritage research projects. On behalf of the Hall of Fame, she also secured a formal agreement with the Province’s most successful sports team, the Saskatchewan Roughriders of the Canadian Football League, to house its entire collection.

“Sheila has been the sustaining factor behind the Hall for the more than 25 years and has impacted countless individuals not just across Saskatchewan, but across Canada and internationally as well,” said Rankin Jaworski, SSHF President. “ I have no doubt in my mind that the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame would not exist as it does today without Sheila and I’m beyond pleased to see her recognized on an international level with such a prestigious award for the time, energy and passion she has poured into the Hall.”

The official presentation of the Schroeder Award will take place on October 19, 2017, at “An Evening of Champions” as part of ISHA’s annual conference, hosted this year by the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in Knoxville, October 18-20.

For more information, contact:
Sheila Kelly, Executive Director: 306-780-9233, [email protected]
Autumn McDowell, Communications Coordinator: 306-780-9203, [email protected]



Holiday Hours

Gallery Holiday Hours:

Saturday, July 1: Closed
Sunday, July 2: Noon – 5:00 p.m.
Monday, July 3: Noon – 5:00 p.m.

*We will return to regular hours on Tuesday, July 4:
Monday – Friday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Saturday: Noon – 5:00 p.m.

Will you be at Wascana Park to celebrate Canada 150 on July 1st? Watch for our Traveling Exhibit, parked behind the Royal Saskatchewan Museum!

2017 Summer Programming



Includes: Tour of the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame, activities on our multisport simulator, and outdoor games in Victoria Park featuring the 150 Participaction Playlist!

Tuesday/Thursday 9:30-11:00am and 1:30-3:00pm

From July 11th to August 24th

Daycare/School groups Ages 3-12

$1 per person

*Spots are filling up fast!

If interested, please contact:
Vickie Krauss
(306) 780-9232
[email protected]

Featured Exhibits:

Gallery 1

Touchdowns & Fumbles

Gallery 2

Hall of Fame

Gallery 3

The Stories of Indigenous Athletes: Rights and Wrongs


SSHF – Annual Report – 2016

Each year, the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame strives to preserve and promote the history of sport in Saskatchewan, and 2016 was no exception. Our 50th Anniversary was an incredibly exciting and successful year for the SSHF.

We started this year of celebration with an enthusiasm that kept gaining momentum with each new success.  To finish the year by being named Tourism Saskatchewan’s Business of the Year Award (Under 20 Full-time Employees) was amazing recognition. We could never have imagined a more perfect end to our 50th Anniversary year.

Special thank you to all members of the Hall of Fame, your support over the past year has been overwhelming. We look forward to another 50 years!

You can download a copy of the 2016 Annual Report, right here:

Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame Annual Report 2016




Regina – Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) was named Business of the Year (Under 20 Full-time Employees) during the 28th annual Saskatchewan Tourism Awards of Excellence Gala, which was celebrated on April 5 at the Sheraton Cavalier Saskatoon Hotel. Other finalists in our category included Harvest Eatery and Fresh Market, Shaunavon, and Last Mountain Distillery, Lumsden.

The SSHF nomination was derived on the basis of our 50th Anniversary year and the “big three” activities including Diamond Girls, 50th Anniversary Traveling Exhibit and 50th Anniversary Gala.  We would like to recognize and thank a number of key people and organizations who were instrumental in making our 50th Anniversary events, and thus this award selection, successful. Maureen Ulrich for her engaging & entertaining Diamond Girls script,  Malia Becker for bringing history alive through her stellar performance of 21 characters!, director Kenn McLeod, technical director William Hales, and stage manager Shelby-Lyn Lowe. All of our inductees, some of whom traveled great distances, and chose to participate in one or more of our anniversary events including our 50th Gala reunion celebrations.  And last, but not least, to our key sponsors who shared the vision and passion  in taking Saskatchewan’s sport history to the entire province including Saskatchewan Lotteries, Community Initiatives Fund, Saskatchewan Blue Cross, Creative Display, Sterling Truck & Trailer Sales, Hornoi Leasing, SaskTel and SGI.

We also wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to Tourism Saskatchewan for this award, as well as to our award sponsor, the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority. We could never have imagined a more perfect end to our 50th Anniversary year.

For more information, contact:

Sheila Kelly, Executive Director: 306-780-9233, [email protected]
Autumn McDowell, Communications Coordinator: 306-780-9203, [email protected]

For The Record: February/March 2017

For The Record

With the close of 2016, and our 50th anniversary celebrations behind us, the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) is embarking on another exciting year.

We were delighted to learn that the SSHF has been named a finalist for a Saskatchewan Tourism of Excellence Award in the category of “Business of the Year” (under 20 full-time employees). We are thrilled to receive that nomination and look forward to attending the Gala awards in April.

In 2016 we did not have an induction as the anniversary kept us very busy.  However, in 2017 we will once again have an induction ceremony to welcome new inductees into the Hall.  The media announcement to introduce this year’s class will be held at the SSHF on Thursday, April 27th.

Throughout the summer, our traveling exhibit will again be visiting a number of locations throughout the province.  The exhibit was so well received last summer and it truly gives rural Saskatchewan a taste of what the SSHF has to offer.

We are also excited about some sporting events that Saskatchewan will be hosting in 2017 and 2018. The 2017 Skate Canada International, 2018 Memorial Cup and the Brier will each be located in Regina.  These events bring awareness as well as drives sports fans to the city.  We will certainly be showcasing these sports during those events and will be looking to draw fans to the Hall where we can promote the history and success of Saskatchewan athletes.

The SSHF staff continues to run education programs and the displays are changed frequently so each time a person visits, they see something new. We have been adding technology to our repertoire and our social media channels keep expanding with more followers. Thanks to all the staff, we appreciate that they are continually thinking of new ways to show us off!

Our Board still dreams of a new location where we can find space to break many items out of storage, and no doubt, one day we will find it. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank you for your support.  We strive to have our inductees remain connected to the SSHF, and to have the general public share in the history and sporting successes of this great province.

Facebook: SaskSportsHF
Instagram: SaskSportsHF
Twitter: @SaskSportsHF
Review us on TripAdvisor

Best wishes,

Linda Burnham, President

To find out more on our latest happenings at the SSHF, download the full version of the newest For The Record, right here:

For the Record February/March 2017