Tag Archives: ForTheRecord

For The Record: November/December 2017
As I reflect on the past year at the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) I would like to start by thanking everyone who joined us at the induction dinner to celebrate our 2017 class of inductees. From Olympic champions to innovative builders and a trailblazing jockey who opened the door for women around the world, this year’s class of inductees exemplifies the remarkable athletes and builders that this province is proud to call our own. With a new group of seven officially enshrined, we are thrilled to carry forward the proud tradition of celebrating Saskatchewan sports excellence.
While the resumption of our annual induction dinner was the marquee event of 2017 it was far from the only thing happening around the hall. The SSHF continued moving forward from last year’s 50th anniversary with a number of exciting events throughout the year and we look forward to keeping the momentum going in the New Year. 2018 will be a busy sporting year for Saskatchewan and the SSHF will be right in the middle of it. Our traveling exhibit is scheduled to take its first winter travels and will be a part of many of the national sporting championships happening in Regina. We have also recently announced a new collections agreement with the Regina Pats and are excited to continue that partnership in 2018.
As I look back over our accomplishments of 2017, I would be remiss to not once again congratulate our Executive Director Sheila Kelly on her receipt of the very prestigious Bill Schroeder Distinguished Service Award from the International Sports Heritage Association. Sheila has been the sustaining constant of the SSHF for over a quarter century and her passion, dedication and leadership have had far reaching impacts across Canada and North America. Sheila is a very deserving recipient of this award and it is my pleasure to again congratulate her on this accomplishment.
On behalf of myself, and the Board of Directors I would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. We hope your 2017 was full of great memories with friends, families and teammates and wish you a safe and happy 2018.
Website: www.sasksportshalloffame.com
Facebook: SaskSportsHF
Instagram: @SaskSportsHF
Twitter: @SaskSportsHF
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Happy Holidays,
Rankin Jaworski
To find out more on our latest happenings at the SSHF, download the full version of the newest For The Record, right here:
For the Record: August/September 2016
I am honored to be President of the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF). I acknowledge I have big shoes to fill, and I thank our immediate Past President Scott Waters for his dedication and service. We have a long line of Past Presidents who have contributed to advancements and successes the SSHF has experienced over the past years.
2016 has been a milestone for the SSHF as we celebrate our 50th anniversary. We have made that celebration last the entire year and have showcased three major events as highlights.
Diamond Girls is a play about the Saskatchewan women who played in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. The one-act, one-woman show has toured several provinces over the last few months and it has received rave reviews everywhere it has played. We are so proud to be associated with Diamond Girls and proud to have some of those players as inductees in the SSHF.
Our next major event has been a traveling exhibit that is presently touring throughout communities in Saskatchewan. Our 505 inductees represent over 140 Saskatchewan communities and the traveling exhibit has been our way of taking the Hall to the people. Another major success, the traveling exhibit has provided us with great exposure throughout the province.
The final major event will be our Gala on September 30. We have chosen to forgo the induction of a new class this year in favor of celebrating the 505 current inductees. The successes of these inductees is cause for celebration and we wish to recognize them once again in this evening planned to be a one of a kind event. We will showcase several inductees in Hotstove panels representing Hockey, Football and Olympians. We also have some short videos prepared to showcase many of our inductees while it tells a story about the SSHF. We hope you will join us for this exciting evening.
While we celebrate our past, we also have challenges to accomplish ahead of us. Our Board of Directors is a group of individuals who are dedicated to making things happen, and have proven qualified to do so. Our plan is to still secure a new location for the SSHF which will allow us to better showcase the inductees and be more appropriate for the many wonderful artifacts we possess. We continue to search for sustainable fundraising to support the Hall. We have big dreams and those come at big costs!
I do want to recognize the amazing staff we have at the SSHF. They have all shown dedication to this year of celebration and have most willingly given of their time to ensure the success of every event. Thank you to Sheila, Vickie, Brock, Autumn and the summer staff, Amber, Danelle and Jenna, who have given the SSHF such dedication and commitment in this special year.
On behalf of the Board of Directors I thank you for your support. Please drop by the Hall, or the traveling exhibit and experience what the Hall is all about. Saskatchewan is a great sporting province. We recognize excellence. We celebrate sport.
Best wishes,
Linda Burnham, President
To find out more on our latest happenings at the SSHF, download the full version of the newest For The Record, right here:
For The Record: February/March 2016
2016 is sure to be an exciting and a historic year, marking the 50th anniversary of the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF). Celebrations are currently underway, having officially begun in January with the first of our 12 Months, 12 Events initiative. The SSHF is also planning a Traveling Exhibit, scheduled to visit dozens of communities across Saskatchewan between July and October. More details will be announced in spring, 2016!
The 50th anniversary celebration culminates September 30, 2016 with a formal gala, along with other events. Full details of the 50th anniversary celebrations will be updated regularly on the SSHF’s website at www.sasksportshalloffame.com. While the 50th anniversary celebrations are currently at the forefront, we also remain focused on regular day-to-day operations and are busy planning many other exciting events for 2017 and beyond. As mentioned in an earlier message the SSHF has undergone great transition and improvements in recent years, and the staff and Board of Directors remain focused on providing visitor enhancements to the SSHF, and continuing to deliver a great product to our members and to the public at-large.
I would like to formally welcome a new member to the Board of Directors, and also acknowledge and thank two long-serving members of the Board who recently resigned. Joining the board is Kevin Dureau of Regina. We look forward to working with Kevin and are excited about the passion, experience and perspective he will bring to the organization. I would also like to thank two board members who recently stepped down; Vance McNab and Hugh Vassos, who completed four and eleven years of service, respectively. During their tenure each contributed greatly to the SSHF, serving on several committees and in various roles, with Hugh Vassos recently serving as President and then as Past President of the SSHF.
The Board of Directors and staff of the SSHF held their annual retreat January 8th and 9th at Manitou Springs Resort and Mineral Spa at Manitou Beach. Much was accomplished and a good time was had by all. We had the added delight of being joined for lunch by SSHF inductee Leroy Coates and his wife, Marlene who currently reside in nearby Watrous.
On behalf of the SSHF Board of Directors I would like to wish you the best for the remainder of the winter season and upcoming spring season. Please stay in touch and stay connected with the SSHF (and encourage friends and family to do the same) through our Social Media channels.
Website: www.sasksportshalloffame.com
Facebook: SaskSportsHF
Instagram: SaskSportsHF
Twitter: @SaskSportsHF
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To find out more on our latest happenings at the SSHF, download the full version of the newest For The Record, right here:
For the Record February/March 2016
*UPDATE: Please note that dates have changed for Diamond Girls performances. Updated information will be released in early May!
For The Record – October/November 2015
With summer behind us the SSHF is embarking on what will be a very busy fall and winter season as we move into our 50th year of operations. An immediate change for us was the elimination of “summer” and “winter” hours of operation. Normally, with the passing of Labour Day, we would close on weekends for the winter. However, for the present time (for sure until the end of the calendar year) we are testing our members’ and the public’s interest in our being open on Saturdays from noon-5 p.m., just as we have been open all summer. With at least one special event planned in each month, there is always a reason to be coming back for another visit. And, with the waning of the outdoor golf season, don’t forget that you can keep your skills up in our multi-sport simulator. Members get free unlimited usage on a first come basis; however, it is a good idea to call ahead to ensure that we don’t have education tours pre-booked into the facility. Those kids don’t like to wait!
Setting the stage for the caliber of events that are to come was the 3rd Annual Saskatchewan Roughrider Alumni Autumn Golf Classic hosted on September 23 in Saskatoon. We are delighted to celebrate this continuing partnership with the Alumni as we work together to combine camaraderie and fun with the need to raise much needed funds for Saskatchewan’s sport heritage and other Alumni funding priorities.
You will have noticed that October 1 passed by this year without our usual call for inductee nominations and a lot of media attention to the fact that the submission deadline was looming. In anticipation of 2016, when we will spend the year celebrating our 50th Anniversary, the board has decided that we should focus those celebrations on the 505 inductees that we currently have. As a result there will be no new Class of 2016 inducted next June. We will take a pass until 2017 when we look forward to celebrating a brand new Class of inductees to launch us into our next half century of operations. In the meantime, we will continue to actively solicit and accept new nominations for evaluation in advance of the October 1, 2016, nomination deadline.
Among the priorities of the upcoming 50th Anniversary celebrations will be to actively engage our provincial mandate and develop new partnerships through special events and exhibit opportunities. The first of these events will start this month with our President’s Reception in Saskatoon on October 24 at The Willows Golf & Country Club. Those of you residing in the Saskatoon and district area should already have received your invitation (by email or via Canada Post) to this event. Please contact us immediately if you have not yet had an opportunity to RSVP. For those of you residing in Regina and district we will be hosting a President’s Reception at the SSHF on Saturday, November 21. Invitations to this event will be distributed shortly via email and Canada Post. Watch for yours! These Receptions are always a great opportunity to renew friendships, catch up on the most recent SSHF activities and learn a bit about what’s ahead. We hope to see you there!
Other events that are currently slotted into the calendar include our Halloween Birthday Party on October 31. Did you know that the SSHF was launched as the Molson Sports Hall of Fame on October 31, 1966? A week later the Saskatchewan Roughriders won their first Grey Cup. What a great week for Saskatchewan sport! November will see our sport simulator fired up for some serious competition as we host a series of participant challenges sponsored by Boston Pizza Regina & Emerald Park, culminating in “The Finals” on Friday, November 20 (National Jersey Day), and Saturday, November 21, which is RBC Sport Day in Canada.
The decision to feature minor hockey in Saskatchewan as the theme of our fall exhibit proved to be fortuitous. It appears that the Regina Symphony Orchestra (RSO) also has hockey on their mind and a new partnership was born. On December 6 we will be throwing open the doors (hopefully not all at the same time!) to 900 ticket holders of the RSO’s Kids Concert Series presentation of “The Hockey Sweater”. An afternoon of pre-concert activities are planned to inspire creativity and fun! Don’t have kids or tickets to the concert? No problem. We are open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m.–4:30 p.m. and Saturday noon-5 p.m. Stop by anytime and check out Breakaway with Minor Hockey at your convenience.
This is just a taste of things to come. We look forward to unveiling a year’s worth of activities in the weeks ahead. Make plans for a visit! It’s been 50 years in the making. We can’t wait to welcome everyone to the party!
To find out more on our latest happenings at the SSHF, download the full version of the newest For The Record, right here: