The Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) is excited to be part of a new program from Variety – the Children’s Charity.
They have provided the SSHF with two sensory backpacks which support families who have children living with sensory processing disabilities (i.e. autism). The backpacks feature a set of noise-reducing headphones, a weighted stuffed animal/blanket, tactile toys, and books. These items give kids a toolkit of resources to pull from while out in the community.
Both backpacks are available to be signed out by visitors to use during their visit to the Hall of Fame before returning them at the conclusion of their visit. All of the items will be sanitized after use so they are ready to be used again safely in the future.
Variety – the Children’s Charity began their sensory backpack program in the fall of 2020 in Calgary and the SSHF is very pleased to be part of this initiative.