Check Out Our Inductee Videos

It is no secret that we hold each one of our inductees in very high regard. This is likely due, at least in part to the fact that during the induction process, we are made very familiar with the inductees and their accomplishments. It has always been our intention to give you, our viewing audience the same incredible perspective of them that we are privileged enough to have. For the induction class of 2013, we took a huge step in that direction by producing a small video piece for each new member that we are posting to our website.

Included in each of these short but dynamic pieces is an insightful look at the life and accomplishments that each one of our new inductees has lived out along the way to finding a home in our Hall. Each video can be found on the individual inductee pages on our site as well as via the YouTube links here.

Please feel free to visit our page, or better yet, our galleries and take in all the history and heritage for yourself. We look forward to welcoming you all in and sharing even more incredible information on the history of sport in Saskatchewan with you.


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