Online art auction is live!

The Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame has partnered with the Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting to launch an online Art and Memorabilia Auction to raise funds to support the SSHF’s educational and outreach programming as well as other significant initiatives in the coming year.

The auction is live now and will conclude on Sunday, February 23 at 1 p.m.

There are 150 artworks on offer in the auction, by artists such as Allen Sapp, Michael Lonechild, Ken Danby, William Kurelek, Jason Robins, Gary Natomagan, Courtney Milne, Henri Masson, Carol Shelton, Gerald Jessop, Bernie Brown, Neville Clarke and more.

For most items, 100% of the winning bid goes to the Hall of Fame. These funds will help the Hall of Fame continue to fulfill their mandate of being a self-sustaining, dynamic attraction designed to preserve, interpret, recognize, and honour the diverse sport history of the province.

Call for Donations/Consignments – SSHF Online Fundraising Auction!

The Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame is partnering with the Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting to launch an online Art and Memorabilia Auction to raise funds to support the SSHF’s educational and outreach programming as well as other significant initiatives in the coming year.

Donations are invited from artists, art collectors, athletes and fans for a special online auction for the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame. We have limited space in the auction, but if you have items of value that you feel would contribute to the success of the auction, we would love to include them. We are accepting memorabilia and sports-themed artwork, but any piece of fine art would fit well within the items that are currently up for auction.

Any items brought to the Hall of Fame through this call-out will be auctioned off and will not be retained as part of our collection of artifacts.

If you have any item that you feel may be more appropriate to be part of our collection, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss an artifact donation.

The auction will be hosted by the Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting, running online from January 30 to February 22, 2025, and will feature artwork and sport memorabilia.

DONATIONS: Artworks (any medium and subject, Saskatchewan or otherwise) and sport memorabilia will be offered with 100% of each winning bid going to the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) to support its programming throughout Saskatchewan.

CONSIGNMENTS: Additionally, artworks which feature sports imagery can be consigned to the auction with 50% of the winning bid going to the SSHF and 50% going back to the consignor.

Charitable Donation Receipts will be issued for SSHF revenue of $100 or more. This online auction will feature over 100 Saskatchewan, Canadian and international artworks, with artworks already confirmed by Michael Lonechild, Jason Robins, Henri Masson, Neville Clark, Zora Buchanan, Charles Bragg, Carol Ann Shelton and more, along with sports memorabilia from Saskatchewan, Canada and beyond.

For more information, and to offer a consignment or donation, contact the Hall of Fame:
phone: 306-780-9232

Or contact:
Robin Schlaht:
phone: 306-569-9102
or learn more at the SKNAC website.