Do you know an athlete, builder, or team that you’d like to see in the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame? Please follow the instructions in the appropriate form below (Word Document). *The nomination deadline is October 31 annually.
Since 1966, the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame has honoured outstanding Athletes, Builders and Teams. As of the 2023 Induction, the SSHF has 547 honoured members. The first step for all of our inductees to be honoured in the SSHF is, besides having an outstanding sport career, is to be nominated. Read the guidelines below to answer any questions that you have.
Frequently Asked Questions:
I think I know an Athlete, Builder or Team that should be nominated, am I allowed to nominate someone if I do not work at the Hall of Fame?
YES! Staff members are not allowed to nominate Athletes, Builders or Teams. All nominations that are brought to the Hall of Fame are from the public (that means you!).
When is the deadline for Nomination Forms?
Nominations are accepted October 31st annually.
How do I know if an Athlete, Builder or Team is eligible for nomination?
- Athletes should generally not be inducted for at least three (3) years after they have finished competing (retired).
- The three year term would not generally apply to builders.
- Teams comprised of the same personnel must wait three (3) years before they are eligible for induction.
- A team of a specific year should generally not be inducted for at least three (3) years after their accomplishment.
Please review further details regarding eligibility of Athletes, Builder and Teams on our Nomination Page.
What sports are eligible for nomination?
Eligible sport candidates for induction must meet (1) of the guidelines below, and additionally meet two (2) of the remaining three (3) criteria outlined below.
- It is physical, competitive and adheres to standard rules.
- It is a member of, or affiliated with, a provincial or national sport federation.
- It is included in multi-sport events: (i.e.) Olympics, Pan-American, Canada Games, Provincial Games, etc.
- It is, or has been, recognized on Sask Sport Inc.’s list of provincial sports.
Should my nomination form be typed or hand written?
All nominations must be typed. Simply save a copy of the nomination form to your computer and fill it in. Once the form is complete, just print it off.
How much detail should I include in the nomination form?
The more detail that is provided in the nomination form the better. Do not assume that the Induction Selection Committee knows every detail about the individual or team that you are nominating.
For Example: If an Athlete you are nominating played in the NHL, do not simply put they played in the NHL, list the team(s) they played for (local, provincial, national, international), goals scored, records, awards, dates, names of tournaments and events (local, provincial, national, international), include EVERYTHING (wins, loses, medals, awards) etc. Again, the more detail the better!
I have completed the nomination form, what else should I include?
- All athlete and builder nominations should include a 4×5 inch (10.12×12.65 cms) black and white head and shoulders photograph of the nominee. Photographs should be face forward with no shadow effects.
- Team nominations should include a team 8 x 10inch photograph (not individuals head shots) along with a roster identifying photo placement.
- Photographs must include the name of the photographer on the back. A letter from the photographer (found in the nomination forms) must accompany all photographs authorizing the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame to use the photograph in its galleries and for publicity purposes as it applies to the Induction Weekend. The Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame will acknowledge the photographer for every use. Please be aware that photographs are not returned to the nominator.
We do not accept scanned and emailed photographs.
Letter(s) of Support:
- One letter of support for the nomination must come from the Provincial Sport Governing Body, which that individual has represented.
- Other letters can be from teammates, notable community members etc.
I have completed a nomination form, how can I send it in?
Nomination forms can be mailed or couriered:
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame
2205 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 0S4
*Nominations cannot be faxed or emailed.
I have nominated someone, sent in the form, now what?
Once your nomination has been received by the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame (SSHF) you will get a letter acknowledging receipt. Please be aware that the SSHF does not correspond with nominators on an annual basis as to the status of their nomination. Correspondence will be forthcoming for one of the following reasons:
- The nomination is successful and the nominee is chosen for induction into the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame.
- A concern is raised specific to the nomination and the Inductee Selection Committee requests additional information.
- The nomination is being retired from active consideration.
Does my nomination automatically mean my candidate is in the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame?
No. Once the nomination is received our Induction Selection Committee reviews all nominations.
How do I know if my nomination was successful?
SSHF and the Induction Selection Committee goes through the nominations by the end of the calendar year. Successful nominees and their nominators are contacted directly by the SSHF during the month of December, if not before.
How long does my nomination stand?
A nomination will remain active for three (3) years as long as it meets the minimum scoring criteria of 50 points.
*Note: Nominations can be held longer depending on the volume of active nominations being considered.
I just found out that my nomination is no longer active. Can I re-nominate them?
Nominations that have been retired have a mandatory one year waiting period before they can be re-submitted. Re-submitted nominations must include new information about the nominee.
If you have ANY questions regarding the nomination process please contact the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame:
Phone: (306) 780–9232
Email: [email protected]