Online art auction is live!

The Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame has partnered with the Saskatchewan Network for Art Collecting to launch an online Art and Memorabilia Auction to raise funds to support the SSHF’s educational and outreach programming as well as other significant initiatives in the coming year.

The auction is live now and will conclude on Sunday, February 23 at 1 p.m.

There are 150 artworks on offer in the auction, by artists such as Allen Sapp, Michael Lonechild, Ken Danby, William Kurelek, Jason Robins, Gary Natomagan, Courtney Milne, Henri Masson, Carol Shelton, Gerald Jessop, Bernie Brown, Neville Clarke and more.

For most items, 100% of the winning bid goes to the Hall of Fame. These funds will help the Hall of Fame continue to fulfill their mandate of being a self-sustaining, dynamic attraction designed to preserve, interpret, recognize, and honour the diverse sport history of the province.